
Development Economics Program is one of the programs in Sebelas Maret University Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). This study program was established based on SK No. 222/ DIKTI/ Kep / 1996 dated July 11, 1996. The A accreditation was obtained in 2008 from BAN PT numbered 027/ BAN-PT/ Ak-XI/ S1 / X/ 2008, dated October 30, 2008. In 2011, the Development Economics program extended its operating license based on SK No. 8499/ D/ T/ KN/ 2011 dated August 23, 2011. The Development Economics Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sebelas Maret University is headed by a head of department.

The Development Economics Program is located at Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia. The supporting facilities include management buildings, laboratories, libraries, parking lots, basketball courts, canteens, free hotspots, and safe comfortable environment.