The Vision of Economics Development of Sebelas Maret University in 2015-2019 is :
Becoming a high performance and sustainable Development Economics program at national and international level based on the noble value of national culture.
The vision above is described into the following missions:
- Carrying out education and teaching on Bachelor (S1) degree in the field of Development Economics both scientific and applied to produce graduates who are ready compete nationally and internationally.
- Conducting quality research that can be published in nationally accredited journals and reputable international journals and beneficial for scientific development and society based on scientific ethics.
- Organizing quality community service activities and orienting towards community empowerment based on the application and development of the Development Economics.
The S1 Development Economics program also aims to :
- Produce competitive graduates who are able to master the development of economic theories and their application in various fields, analyze economic data and provide policy implication to stakeholders, and contribute in national and international levels.
- Produce quality and useful research for scientific development that can be published in accredited national scientific journals and reputable international journals and contribute to society based on scientific ethics.
- Create a synergy of quality community service and aim to the efforts of community empowerment based on the application and development of Development Economics.
Visi prodi EP FEB UNS adalah: Menjadi Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan yang unggul di tingkat nasional dan internasional.
Prodi EP FEB UNS menetapkan tiga misi untuk mencapai visi, yaitu:
1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang berkualitas di bidang Ekonomi Pembangunan baik keilmuan maupun terapan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang kompetitif dan mampu berkontribusi di tingkat nasional dan internasional.
2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian yang berkualitas dan bermanfaat bagi pengembangan keilmuan dan kehidupan masyarakat berdasarkan etika ilmiah.
3. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang berkualitas dan berorientasi pada upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat atas dasar penerapan dan pengembangan Ekonomi Pembangunan.